4m50 project - article 1
Here is a project started at the end of 2019, after the first flights of the Svolazzo, and which I hope will be completed this summer 2022 for the maiden flight.
The idea is copied from that of the Bretons who perform VTPR with oldschool style gliders (Air 100 ...) in 4 or 5 meters wingspan. For me it is about doing "Voltige Totale" with a old style glider. The dream would be to perform flips and flat spins with it...
I do not yet reveal which glider it is, you can give your proposals in comment hehe.
And so, as I can only build in a wooden structure ... It is in wooden structure! The first big challenge was the puzzle of the madstab and the mad-rudder on this fuselage respecting the big one geometry (although the original did not have a full flying stab). It is a question of finding how to integrate the mechanisms, by making it quite strong. It gives me a lot of mass at the backside, but I don't want to take a risk with the stabilizer on a project that will represent a lot of hours of work.

Design puzzle ... The system is the cable system proven on Quartz, Troll, Sylphe, Svolazzo etc. But the geometry and size of the project impose additional constraints.

Parts where will be fixed the madstab, taking the forces in the direction of the fuselage, and ensuring the strength of the rudder foot despite the large notch which allows the 2x90° swing of the madstab.

Start of assembly .

Equivalent to the Svolazzo "mediator" ... Except that here the distance between the stab joiners is not of 20mm, it's 50mm.

What about the Rudder? Rudder control ellipse at 2x90°.

Beginning of assembly on the fuselage tool.

A few pieces later.